About Our Worship Services

We worship live at 11 am on Sunday morning and via livestream. Watch live on Facebook or YouTube.

You can access past services on our YouTube channel HERE.

If you join us live on Sunday morning, you can expect to be greeted by our caring volunteers. Our service incorporates multiple styles of participation. We have interactive liturgies (readings), music, prayer, scripture reading, and a sermon that covers details of the scripture. Our worship style is more traditional with some modern twists. During the passing of the peace, the pastor will greet you personally. You are welcome to speak with the pastor after the service.

God loves us as we are, and we welcome all as you are. Come and join us!

Absolutely! We practice an open table. Christ our Redeemer invites ALL to the table, and so do we. We offer Communion through intinction. You will be invited to come to a station to take a piece of bread and then dip the bread in the cup.

About Our Church

If you’ve been attending New Hope and are interested in joining, contact the office. You can set up a meeting with the pastor to discuss membership expectations.

New Hope is part of the United Methodist denomination, the second-largest Protestant denomination in America, and we uphold our heritage by pursuing ministry in keeping with this tradition. We seek to be generous in spirit, broadminded, devoted to Jesus Christ, and wholly surrendered to God. We strive for personal holiness by inviting people into a life-transforming relationship with Jesus Christ, and we pursue social holiness in the public sphere by addressing key issues of our time. Learn more about our beliefs HERE