Diaper Depot and Closet

Saturdays | 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Appointments are available if you need. Contact Joanna at: 402-217-9306 to set up an appointment.
We will close if LPS cancels school for unsafe weather conditions.
Families are allowed one package of diapers a month.
Families can shop for free clothing and some household items at any time when the Closet is open.
Donations of gently used clothing and all sizes of diapers are welcomed. Please leave the donations INSIDE the building. Do not leave donations outside where they can get ruined.
If you would like to volunteer to help with the Closet or Diaper Depot, contact Joanna at: 402-217-9306
Justice in Action Group
We are part of an interfaith justice organization in the Lincoln/Lancaster area to address issues of justice and inequity within the community. If you’d like to get involved, call the office and let us know.
Learn more about the organization HERE